Alvalade (Lisboa)

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Brasão de Alvalade (Lisboa)/Arms (crest) of Alvalade (Lisboa)

Country: Portugal

District: Lisboa

Municipality: Lisboa

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Official blazon
Portuguese Escudo de ouro, semeado de oliveiras arrancadas de verde, frutadas de negro; um mantel denticulado de verde, filetado de negro carregado de duas espadas abatidas, de prata, com copos e punhos de ouro e passadas em aspa. Coroa mural de prata de três torres. Listel branco com a legenda a negro: “ FREGUESIA DE ALVALADE - LISBOA “.
English blazon wanted


The arms were officially granted on August 14, 1992.

The arms symbolise the historical Arabic name of the area, Al Balade, meaning walled fields. The arms thus show a green field surrounded by olive groves outside the wall.

The sword refer to the battle of Alvalade in 1323 between King Dinis and his son Prince Alfonso (later King Alfonso IV).

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Literature: image send by Sergio Horta

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